The Wandering Kitchen: 巴西

在斯卡吉特谷食品皇冠博彩的流浪厨房旅行博客系列, 我们将带你进行一场虚拟之旅,去地球上一些最好的地方品尝世界级的美食. 不管它来自你的后院还是另一个大陆, 好的食物有能力把你带到任何你想去的地方. So while you might not travel to the heart of India, the Caribbean, or the boot of Italy by plane, 火车, or automobile, 你可以带着你的味蕾来一次旅行,只要把你的餐桌变成一个品尝世界上最好食物的美味目的地.

我们将介绍远近闻名的美食地点, inspirational recipes to try in your own kitchen, 以及你可以在皇冠博彩找到的产品,让你品尝美食.

In this edition of The Wandering Kitchen, we’re digging out our long-forgotten swimsuits, 太阳镜, 戴着松软的遮阳帽,去南边的巴西边境旅行!


3月第一周举办的巴西狂欢节是世界上最大的狂欢节, 我们花点时间来了解巴西提供的所有令人难以置信的美食才有意义. +, 隆冬时节梦见热带,提醒我们夏天就在眼前.

巴西ian-Inspired Recipes

巴西ian fish stew

Photo Courtesy of Feasting at Home


Otherwise known as 巴西ian seafood stew, 的菜传统上是用虾或鱼做底,再加上西红柿, 洋葱, 大蒜, 石灰, and coriander added in for more flavor and heartiness. Slow-cooked in a traditional terracotta cassole, 的菜是一种美味的海鲜菜肴,可以在一年中的任何时候享用.


The capixaba variation is native to Espírito Santo, 巴西东南部的一个沿海州,以其美丽的海滩而闻名,一望无际.

It’s traditionally a lighter version of moqueca, utilizing extra-virgin 橄榄油 in place of palm oil. It’s also made in a special pan, aptly named the capixaba pan, made with black clay and glazed with mangrove tree sap.

The baiana version, on the other hand, was developed in Bahia, 它是巴西东北部的一个州,也与大西洋有一条海岸线. 巴亚纳的灵感来自非洲和葡萄牙美食,并将棕榈油和椰奶融入传统的moqueca食谱.

In this adaptation from Feasting at Home, Sylvia keeps the recipe pretty traditional, opting for the Baiana version with coconut 牛奶.

Find the full recipe at Feasting at Home

cheese bread

Photo Courtesy of Simply Recipes

Pão de Queijo (奶酪 Bread)

Let’s be real… who doesn’t like cheese bread? Whether it’s in the form of grilled cheese, 大蒜 bread with ooey-gooey mozzarella, or 巴西’s Pão de Queijo, 简单的面包和奶酪组合似乎跨越了时间和文化,让人感到舒适和安慰.

Originating in the 巴西ian state of Minas Gerais, p de Queijo是一种有着悠久历史的传统食谱. 最初,p o de Queijo是巴西被奴役的人吃的. Without wheat flour being readily available, 巴西人会将木薯根浸泡并剥皮来制作面包. At that time, cheese wasn’t incorporated.

随着时间的推移,越来越多的原料变得唾手可得, and both cheese and eggs were introduced to the recipe, creating what we now recognize as Pão de Queijo. 现在, 在巴西,人们喜欢在早餐时享用这种奶酪小吃, 葡萄牙, 东亚, 澳大利亚, 和美国.S. 由于它们本质上是无谷蛋白的,所以p o de Queijo对每个人来说都是一种美妙的享受!

In this simple recipe, all you’ll need is an egg, 橄榄油, 牛奶, tapioca flour (you can find it at the Co-op!), grated cheese, and a pinch of salt. All the ingredients are simply blended up, popped into some muffin tins, and baked until puffy and browned. 和其他巴西食谱一起享用吧,也可以作为周末小吃!

Find the full recipe at Simply Recipes

picanha brazilian steak

Photo Courtesy of 巴西ian Kitchen Abroad

Picanha (巴西ian Steak)

If you’ve ever been to a 巴西ian steakhouse, 你知道这是一种体验——一种需要服务员来到你的桌子前的体验, 给你提供的肉比任何人一顿吃的都多, with the occasional veggie & 水果自助餐,给你的牛排配点吃的.

但在巴西牛排店在美国遍地开花之前, Picanha是一种被许多人认为是享用巴西库洛牛排的唯一正确方式的牛肉切法. 传统上,picanha是在木炭烤架上烤之前串起来的. The seasoning here is very mild, consisting of simply salt to allow the rich, 牛肉y flavor to be the star of the show.

While Picanha is a popular cut of 牛肉 in 巴西, 在美国,要在杂货店里找到它是很困难的. But if you are able to snag a cut, 这个来自巴西国外厨房的食谱是享受它的绝佳方式.

Though not entirely traditional, 在用盐调味之前,食人鱼被切成4块, lemon pepper, and a sofrito mixture and grilled to your liking. 与新鲜的木瓜、芒果和你最喜欢的配菜一起食用.

Find the full recipe at 巴西ian Kitchen Abroad


Photo Courtesy of Curious Cuisinière

Feijoada (Black Bean Stew)

Though Feijoada is said to originate in 葡萄牙, 它已成为巴西菜肴的主要组成部分,有时被称为巴西的国菜.

Popularized in the regions of Rio de Janeiro, 圣保罗, and Salvador, feijoala is a simple, but flavorful stew made up of pork, 牛肉, and black beans. 传统上,巴西的招牌菜是用猪耳朵、猪脚和猪鼻子以及巴西香肠做成的.

现在, 你会发现巴西的招牌菜是用各种猪肉或牛肉制品做成的, including pork trimmings, 培根, 烟熏的肋骨, and two types of smoked sausage or jerked 牛肉. 当所有的肉和黑豆一起慢炖时, 最后你会得到一份味道浓郁的炖菜,可以供全家食用, with a little extra for later.

In this recipe from Curious Cuisinière, black beans, 培根, 排骨, chorizo sausage, 和烟熏香肠结合在一起,创造出一种不那么传统的, though made from accessible ingredients, version of this 巴西ian classic.

Find the full recipe at Curious Cuisinière


Photo Courtesy of Olivia’s Cuisine


Shepherd’s pie, 手馅饼, 鸡 pot pie, minced meat, 肉馅卷饼……每种文化都有自己的一种馅料裹在面粉酥皮里. In 巴西, they have empadão!

又一道葡萄牙人发明的菜在巴西有了自己的生活, empadão is best compared to the English Sheperd’s Pie. Made up of either meat, 鸡, or seafood and layered with potatoes, empad是在砂锅里准备的,在烤箱里烤到完美.

In this recipe, 洋葱 and 大蒜 are sauteed and combined with tomatoes, shredded 鸡, 橄榄, 玉米, 豌豆, heart of palm, and tomato sauce to create the filling for this pie. 然后将馅料加入自制的面团中,然后烘烤至金黄色.

Find the full recipe at Olivia’s Cuisine


Photo Courtesy of AllRecipes


吃完这些美味的菜肴后,你可能会渴望一些甜的东西来平衡你的平衡. Enter: easy-to-make, but super delicious brigadeiro! Though the origins of this confection are a bit hazy, 最流行的理论是,它们是由一位名叫Heloisa Nabuco de Oliveira的糖果师创造的, from Rio de Janeiro.

据说“brigadeiro”这个名字来自于Brigadier Eduardo Gomes的总统竞选活动, 谁在1946年竞选巴西共和国总统. 虽然他没有赢得选举,但他的名字永远与这道美味佳肴联系在一起. 说真的,还有什么比甜品以你的名字命名更好的遗产呢?

Made up of simply cocoa powder, 黄油, and sweetened condensed 牛奶, 这道巴西甜点是最简单的在家制作方法.

Find the full recipe at AllRecipes

巴西ian Food Staples Available at the Co-op

  • Tropical fruits available in our 生产 Department

  • Cassava flour, chips, and treats

  • Coconut 牛奶, black beans, and other pantry staples

现在, if you really want to get yourself craving 巴西ian food, 我们强烈建议你去Netflix上看看他们的剧集 Street Food: Latin America! 虽然所有的剧集都让你对拉丁美洲的街头小吃有了一个很好的了解, the 2nd episode of the series focuses on Salvador, 巴西, and features some of the recipes we’ve listed above, including 巴西的招牌菜 and moqueca.